sunrise photo settings

Sunrise photo settings

Capturing stunning sunrise photos requires careful consideration of camera settings to properly expose the scene and convey the beauty of the early morning light.

Sunrise photography

Here are recommended camera settings for sunrise photography:

Use manual mode

Opt for manual mode on your camera to have full control over exposure settings.

ISO Setting

Begin with a low ISO setting (e.g., ISO 100 or 200) to minimize noise in your images, especially since there is often enough natural light during sunrise.

Aperture (f-stop)

Choose a mid-range aperture for a balance between depth of field and sharpness. A range between f/8 and f/11 is often a good starting point. However, feel free to adjust based on the specific composition and desired effect.

Shutter speed

Use a slow shutter speed to allow more light into the camera, especially during the low light conditions of sunrise. A shutter speed around 1/30s to 1/60s is a good starting point. Adjust as needed to achieve proper exposure without overexposing highlights.

White Balance

Set the white balance based on the predominant colors in the scene. Consider using the “Daylight” or “Cloudy” preset to enhance the warm tones of the sunrise.


Use manual focus or single-point autofocus to ensure sharpness in the areas you want to emphasize. Focus on key elements in the scene, such as foreground objects or the horizon.


Explore different compositions to make your sunrise photos visually engaging. Incorporate elements like silhouettes, reflections, or interesting foreground objects to add depth to the image.


Consider using exposure bracketing to capture a range of exposures. This can be especially helpful during sunrise when there may be a significant contrast between the bright sky and darker foreground.

Use a tripod

To avoid camera shake, use a sturdy tripod. A tripod allows you to use slower shutter speeds without introducing blur.

Capture RAW images

Shoot in RAW format if possible. RAW files retain more information and provide greater flexibility during post-processing, especially when dealing with challenging lighting conditions like sunrise.

Metering mode

Use spot metering or center-weighted metering to ensure proper exposure for the key elements in your composition, such as the sun or a specific subject.

ND filters

Consider using a neutral density (ND) filter, especially if you want to use a wider aperture or slower shutter speed in bright conditions. ND filters help control the amount of light entering the lens and helps you to maximize image quality.

Plan ahead

Research the location in advance, plan your composition, and arrive early to ensure you capture the changing colors and moods of the sunrise.

Experiment with post-processing

After capturing your sunrise images, experiment with post-processing techniques to enhance colors, contrast, and sharpness. Adjustments in post-processing can help fine-tune your final result.

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