How to create speech bubbles in Photoshop

Creating speech bubbles in Photoshop is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

How to create speech bubbles in Photoshop

Method 1: Custom shape tool

Open Photoshop

Launch Adobe Photoshop on your computer.

Create a new document

Go to File > New to create a new document. Set the dimensions and resolution according to your preferences.

Select the custom shape tool

In the toolbar, find the Custom Shape Tool. It looks like a dashed star or can be hidden under the Rectangle or Ellipse Tool.

Choose speech bubble shape

In the options bar at the top, click the shape thumbnail to open the Shape Picker.

Select the speech bubble shape. If you don’t see it, click the gear icon and choose “Speech Bubbles.”

Draw the speech bubble

Click and drag on your canvas to draw the speech bubble. Hold the Shift key while dragging to maintain proportions.

Adjust the shape

Once the speech bubble is drawn, you can use the Move Tool (V) to adjust its position and the Direct Selection Tool (A) to modify its shape.

Add text

Select the Text Tool (T) and click inside the speech bubble to add text. Adjust the font, size, and color as needed.

Method 2 – Custom shape with pen tool: Photoshop

Open Photoshop and Create a New Document.

Select the pen tool

Choose the Pen Tool (P) from the toolbar.

Draw the speech bubble

Click to create anchor points around the speech bubble shape. Adjust the curves using the handles.

Complete the path

Close the path by connecting the last anchor point with the first one.

Add a stroke

In the Paths panel, right-click on the path and choose “Stroke Path.” Select a brush or pencil and click OK.

Adjust the stroke

Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to modify the shape and position of the stroke.

Add text

Select the Text Tool (T) and click inside the speech bubble to add text.

Adjust text and style

Modify the text properties such as font, size, and color.

Method 3 – Use a shape layer: Photoshop

Open photoshop

Create a new document.

Select the ellipse tool or rectangle tool

Choose the ellipse tool (U) or rectangle tool (U) from the toolbar.

Draw the base shape

Click and drag to draw a shape that will serve as the base of the speech bubble.

Modify the shape

Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to adjust the shape by dragging anchor points.

Add a Tail

Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a triangular tail extending from the speech bubble.

Add text

Select the Text Tool (T) and click inside the speech bubble to add text.

Adjust text and style

Modify the text properties such as font, size, and color.

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