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Beginners’ Guide to Wedding Photography

So, you’re the lucky photographer looking for inspiration in online wedding photography courses; congratulations on landing the important job of photographing someone’s special wedding day! So, while the couple is busy planning the event, what should you be doing to get ready for the big day?

Wedding Preparation Ideas

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1- Get to Know the couple

What is the personality of the couple? What is the overall theme or vibe of the wedding? Who are the family’s main players? Is there anything you should be aware of in terms of relationships (for example, divorced parents of the bride or groom can cause a lot of stress on the big day)?

2- Set Expectations for Style

What does the couple want from their wedding photography? Are they looking for solemn images? Glamorous? Funny? Sentimental? Journalistic? Artistic? Formal? Casual? a combination of all of the preceding These expectations will assist you in making wise decisions regarding lenses, lighting, camera settings, and other relevant factors.

3- Set Expectations for Photo Quantity

Is the couple interested in having photos taken of every special getting-ready moment? A single photographer will not have enough time to get ready with the girls, get ready with the guys, do posed portraiture, and set up equipment to capture the perfect shots during the ceremony. And that’s just in the run-up to the wedding.

4- Get (or Build) a Clear Shot List

After you’ve established your expectations, create a checklist to ensure you get all of the shots you need and remember any interesting ideas you want to shoot. Make a distinction between NEEDS and WANTS so that you can prioritize your day.

5- Plan Your Schedule 

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With your shot list in hand, it’s time to plan your day so that you can be where you need to be when you need to be there. On-time is late, so schedule buffers to go from place to place and check or reset equipment.

6- Pair Up with a Family Member or Friend of the Couple

It is recommended that the couple pair you up with a bridal party member, close friend, or family member who knows all of the players and can wrangle them accordingly to expedite group photos. You will be able to concentrate on photography as a result.

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7- planing Two Cameras

It is recommended that the couple pair you up with a bridal party member, close friend, or family member who knows all of the players and can wrangle them accordingly to expedite group photos. You will be able to concentrate on photography as a result.

8- Scout the Location(s) at the Right Times of Day

This is especially true for newcomers. Test your settings at the locations you’ll be shooting at the time of day you’ll be shooting there. Make a note of which settings worked best for you so you can refer back to them and get set up faster on the big day.

9- Examine Everything

Trust, but double-check that all of your equipment is present and operational. You don’t want to discover that a piece of your tripod was left behind or that a memory card is defective.

10- Recharge Your Batteries

Check and charge any batteries that need to be charged, and then pack spares. Pack your chargers as well in case you need to recharge in the middle of the day.

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11- Examine Your Memory Card

Ascertain that all memory cards are empty. If needed, reformat. Pack twice as much as you think you’ll need.

12- Print Subject Cards (if Using)

If your shot list is lengthy or you don’t know the people attending the wedding well, you might benefit from making cards that list the subject(s) of your shots. These can simply be printed in large, bold font on letter-sized paper and shot right before the photos on the shortlist. When you’re editing photos, you’ll be able to see the subject card and know what you’re about to edit. A small dry erase board can be used as an emergency substitute.

13- Pre-Pack Your Gear

It’s time to lay everything out and pack it up after testing, charging, and checking. Don’t put it off until the morning, when you may already be rushed.

14- Do a Test Run (at Home) to Check Your Packing List

Think through the entire day and do a dry run after you’ve packed (or while you’re packing). Make sure you have all of the necessary equipment and that it will be available when you need it.

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15- Turn Off Your Camera’s Sounds

Don’t use camera sounds to break up a tender moment or ruin a great candid!

16- Shoot in RAW Format

RAW may require more memory and processing time, but when it comes to big moments, you’ll want the ability to color correct and edit. By far the best way to shoot is in RAW format.

17- Wear Comfortable, Functional, Professional Clothing

You don’t have to dress like a guest, but you shouldn’t dress sloppily either. You can (and should) dress comfortably and wear shoes that allow you to move comfortably and quietly. Clothing should also allow you to crouch, bend, and move freely.

18- Eat Quick Bites Whenever You Can

Don’t expect to eat long, formal meals today. Bring some snacks with you and eat quick bites when you can.

19- Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to forget to drink water when your hands are busy with a camera all day, but staying hydrated will make you feel (and work) better. We recommend bringing a reusable water bottle that is both sturdy and portable.

Editing, Delivery & Follow-Up

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20- Color Correct all of Your Images

Even with the best settings, images aren’t always picture-perfect right away. Working in batches based on location, lighting, and so on, you can frequently batch color correct your images to save time and dramatically improve image quality.

21- Add Metadata & Name Files Appropriately

Assist the happy couple in navigating their images — and find what you need when they request something special. If you were meticulous with your shot cards or a shot list, it should be relatively simple to add metadata tags such as location (e.g., church, hotel, dressing room), event part (e.g., ceremony, reception, departures), and so on. File names and/or folders can also be extremely useful for file organization.’

22- Pull Selects

If you shot in burst or continuous mode, or if you took a lot of posed photos, choose the top two or three photos from your shot list for the couple to focus on.

23- Stay in Touch with the Couple

Editing photos can take a long time, so make sure the couple is aware you’re working on their photos and haven’t fallen into a black hole!

24- Share Sneak Peeks

Sharing sneak peeks of your favorite images from the day is a great way to stay in touch and promote your work. You may also share them on social media from your website or social account, tagging the couple, with the couple’s permission.

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25- Deliver All Files on Physical Media

When all of the work is finished and the images are finished, make sure to deliver all of the final files along with physical media for the couple to keep in the long run. Many professional photographers provide long-term cloud and physical image storage. If you don’t, you might want to give the couple the RAW files you shot.

Note: If you want to make some adjustments to the photo just let me know. I can do it for you at a very low cost. You can hire me to edit your photo.


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