Wedding Ring Photography

Capturing beautiful and creative wedding ring photographs is an essential part of wedding reception photography. Rings symbolize the union of two individuals, and showcasing them in an artistic way adds a touch of elegance to your wedding portfolio. Here are some examples and tips for capturing stunning wedding ring photographs:

Examples of wedding ring photography

Macro shots

Take close-up shots of the rings to highlight intricate details such as engravings and textures.

Ring with bouquet

Place the rings on or near the bridal bouquet to create a composition that combines the beauty of the flowers with the elegance of the rings.

Ring on invitation or stationery

Position the rings on the wedding invitation or any relevant stationery to add context and a personalized touch.

Incorporate reflections

Use reflective surfaces, such as mirrors or glass, to create interesting reflections of the rings.

Ring exchange moment

Capture the moment when the couple exchanges rings during the ceremony. This can be a powerful and emotional shot.

Hands and rings

Take shots that focus on the couple’s hands, showcasing the rings in a natural and intimate way.

Ring in creative settings

Experiment with unique settings that relate to the couple’s personalities or wedding theme. This could include incorporating elements from the venue or wedding decor.

Silhouette shots

Create a silhouette of the rings against a well-lit background for a dramatic and artistic effect.

Ring with wedding attire

Include elements of the bride’s dress or the groom’s suit in the shot to connect the rings with the overall wedding style.

Ring on a light source

Place the rings on a surface with backlighting to create a glowing effect, emphasizing the brilliance of the jewelry.

Tips for capturing stunning wedding ring photographs

Use a macro lens

A macro lens allows you to capture intricate details of the rings, highlighting the beauty of the gemstones and metalwork.

Find good lighting

Natural light is ideal, but if shooting indoors, look for soft, diffused lighting to avoid harsh shadows. Use a reflector to bounce light onto the rings if needed.

Keep it clean and simple

Ensure that the background is clean and uncluttered to keep the focus on the rings. Use a shallow depth of field to create a pleasing bokeh effect.

Consider the wedding theme

Tailor your ring shots to fit the overall theme of the wedding. For example, if it’s a beach wedding, incorporate sand or seashells into the composition.

Pay attention to composition

Experiment with different angles and compositions. Use the rule of thirds to create visually appealing and balanced shots.

Include personal elements

Incorporate items that hold sentimental value to the couple, such as heirlooms or meaningful objects.

Capture candid moments

Don’t forget to capture candid moments involving the rings, such as the couple adjusting them or sharing a quiet moment together.

Use props

Consider using props like a vintage ring box, flowers, or meaningful items to enhance the storytelling aspect of the photographs.

Be mindful of reflections

Pay attention to reflections, especially if shooting the rings on reflective surfaces. Ensure that the reflections complement the overall composition.


Fine-tune your images in post-processing to enhance colors, sharpness, and overall visual appeal. Maintain a consistent editing style for a cohesive look in your wedding portfolio.

Remember, wedding ring photographs are not only about showcasing the jewelry but also about telling a story of love and commitment. Be creative, stay attuned to the couple’s preferences, and capture these small but significant details with care and artistry.

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